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Public speaking is often rated as among the top five fears of most people. Some people are more scared about this then death. Since public speaking is scary for most, being prepared in advance is always a good idea. Break down your public speaking problems with the following ideas and advice.

Sometimes, people will not follow what you are speaking about. It's your job to make your speech appealing so that you can earn and keep their attention. You will actually be performing, and that results in needing to do the work necessary to get people to care about what you want them to care about.

Do your homework on the topic you are presenting on. Try broad research to see your topic from every side. Identify the points you want to make and draw up careful notes that you can follow. Doing so will help you when it comes time to answer questions.

Make sure you are acquainted with your audience. If you can, learn more about audience members. Prior to the speech, even say hello to some of them at the door. Feeling comfortable and familiar with some individuals in the audience makes the process much friendlier.


Tell a true story if you want to become an effective public speaker. Prior to your speaking occasion, make an outline of the where cool things happen tale. Make sure to incorporate a beginning, middle and an end for the best results. Your story should be genuine and your words should be natural and authentic.

Get to know your surroundings before your speech. Listen to how well your voice will be projected. Use any equipment to get a feel for it. If there are visual aids, learn to use them. Get an idea of how much range of eye contact you need to make.

As mentioned earlier, the fear of public speaking is among the top five everyone has, and some even fear public speaking more than they do death. However, you can gain mastery over your fear of speaking before groups. The suggestions you just read should help you greatly.